Keys to Success

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; it is dearness only that gives everything its value. I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress and grow.”

―Thomas Paine

Everyone can succeed.  But it won’t happen overnight because success is not a right.  To exceed mediocrity you need a plan, a plan to fight.  Everyone can live their dreams.   But to achieve high heights one cannot expect simple expedites.   Success is not benefaction, talent or kismet but action, gallant and solicit.   Hard work and an intelligent plan, that’s what you need, you must not shirk, like a negligent catamaran. Be ready to bleed.  Decide what you value, what you are willing to sacrifice, and be ready to run. Take my advice; have fun but stay clear of idle vice, be nice and for everything else the following should suffice:

Know what you want.  Money, fame, recognition, happiness, these things can be had if you want them badly enough – if you want them as badly as you want to breathe.  But I won’t lie, it will be tough. The first key to success is a burning desire that starts to seethe.  Weak desire brings weak results.  Be sure you believe before you begin your consults.  Ask yourself what you want and why you want it.  Have a purpose, start performing. Have a reason, to get up in the morning.

Be ready to sacrifice.  There’s no such thing as a free lunch.  Your monkey brain wants to minimize effort in a crunch.  That kind of thinking will never amount to much.  You have all of eternity to be dead, but how long to get ahead?  Be a giver not a taker, don’t be misled and watch how much you get instead.  Ask yourself what you’re willing to sacrifice – pay the price, whether its money, time or giving up a vice.  Do whatever it takes, your reward awaits.  You must be willing to give up who you are today for whom you want to become.  This isn’t one and done.

Develop a plan.  Don’t expect a helping hand.  Figure out how to get what you want.  Become your own confidant.  Study others who have attained it, their successes and their stresses.  Learn from your own mistakes.  Brush off the shakes. Take advantage of your advantages.  Failure is the normality but not necessarily the reality.  The world is mediocre because being otherwise is hard.  Cultivate a habit of excellence and it will keep you in high regard.  Remember failure has no alibi and success needs no explanation.

Believe in yourself.  Be patient and enjoy the small victories. Learn to trust yourself by always doing what you resolve.  Be willing to burn the boats, be willing to lose it all.  You can do more than you think, fatigue is a feeling. You could do it if you were dealing – with a gun to your head.  Your journey will leave you scarred, maybe jarred, you may need a workup. But it’s hard to lose if you never give up.  Face a fear every day, soon you won’t run away.

Act NOW not later.  Procrastinate the procrastination.  Don’t listen to your monkey brain, it will drive you insane.   Control what you can, ignore what you can’t.  Excuses are abuses.  Don’t borrow from tomorrow.   Be consistent, be persistent.  Employ regiment and routine, it will make the formidable serene.  Value yourself and your time; it’s not a crime.  Don’t count the days, make the days count.  Execute every act of your life as though it were your last.

Anticipate failure.  Arrogance begets ignorance.  Give your full effort and when you fail you will progress not regress.  Be patient for results, but impatient for action. Ultimately it’s not what happens but whom you become that matters.   Work on yourself, do the rest, climb ladders.  Remember fate’s tests are greatest on the eve of success.  Don’t be discouraged.  Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent advantage.  It’s a great thing even to have attempted a great thing.

Don’t rest on your laurels.  Let us remind, the world is a dynamic place if you’re not changing with it you will be left behind.  Know that success is difficult to attain and even more difficult to sustain. Relish the mundane for everything you do is preparation of frame.    Be ready to pursue new opportunities.  Be ready to take action.   Be ready to fail.  Don’t look back.  Don’t look ahead.  Look right in your stead.  It’s a privilege to be working towards your dreams, until you’re dead.  Waste no more time arguing about what a good man should be. Be one.

Stay modest.  Don’t flaunt your success, it’s for the best. Don’t tempt fortune, it never rests.  Don’t judge others, weaknesses are addressed.   Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.  We are the summation of our experiences and inclinations.  If you were someone else you might also be rattled.  Be grateful for the experiences you’ve had for they have made you who you are.  Let the success of others drive you to seek challenges and raise the bar.

Non-resistance.  Life is hard.  The people who handle it well don’t think everything is swell.  Instead, they go with the flow and find things easier.  Eventually winds change and things become breezier.   Nothing stays the same, not even our troubles.  If you’re down, hold your head up high and remember why you do what you do.  Be prepared to struggle and be prepared to juggle, we all encounter setbacks, setups and sidesteps too.   It’s okay to drop things as long as you pick them back up.    Things can always be worse; you’ll find a way through.

Create a Master Mind group.  Build a troop of positive people.  Get rid of the negative and deceitful.   Friends who share ends pay dividends.  Make rational decisions through your coterie.  Don’t rationalize your decisions for a self-imposed fee.  Value sincerity but remember that criticism is only as valuable as the cohort.  Don’t forget, your friends are also there for support.  What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.

Hyperopia.  Sometimes we become too consumed by our achievements and agreements.  Work is good and we know you would if you could.  But sometimes we need repose to overcome our throes.  You will find there is always more to do.  But take solace that interest will accrue.   And everything will still be there when you’re anew.  You’re getting better and better, you’re a go-getter.  Remember people rarely succeed unless they have fun.  Indeed, try to laugh before you’re done.

With a belief in yourself, a powerful plan and the impetus to persevere I have no doubt you will succeed.

-Augustine Dr. Seuss Pastiche

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